Vibrant health from the inside out
Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Health - it's an inside job and YOU are in the driver's seat.
Imagine yourself a few months from now, standing next to someone you care about who is in a really terrible mood. The old you would head to the pantry feeling stressed and anxious, maybe even a little queasy. But the new you is feeling calm, cool and collected. The new you isn't getting caught up in this person's drama. The new you is feeling peaceful and breathing easily because you are so solid in your own energy that it doesn't matter what's going on in the outside world.
Your sensitivity doesn't disappear. In fact, it may be enhanced and you will understand it more. They key is that you are no longer rendered powerless by absorbing their fear or stress into your own body against your will. This is your superpower - being able to perceive and interpret energy from a place of strength and stability enables you to improve your own health and relationships, to make better decisions, and to be more effective in literally every area of your life. There are no downsides to being who you truly are, connected to that power.